Sunday, November 13, 2011

AADB November Committees Report and Questions from the Members on the AADB-L Answers

The November report and questions from the membership. Please pass this on.

AADB Board of Directors

Questions from the membership:

To Jill (President)
Some no reports?  (Some committees have not given reports last month.)

Yes you are correct and there was 3 that did not give reports last month. When I send a reminder to the chairs/co-chairs that their reports are due on the 1st of the month and to get to me by the 5th, I compile them and send to the board for final approval. If a report is not sent, then it is not submitted.

Pls read below for the answers of the 3 committees:
When you read the Law and Policy committee reports you will see why reports were not turned in last month.

(Mike R.) Money
Is there a budget? Read below in the FC report

How much balance with the AADB checking & saving?
As of 8 November, we have a total of $39,731.81 in checking and $76.87 in savings.

No report from the Finance committee?
A report was not sent out fir October because just a few days prior to it being due, I was called away to attend to a private family matter, which took several days past the deadline.

How much rent for office? Per month, it is currently $2,979.68.

(To Mark) -- Memberships – Who (is) overseeing this? Are we keeping the membership up to date?

Mark: The Networking and Recruitment committee is not responsible for keeping track of membership or of keeping the memberships up to date. I believe this responsibility is for the Multimedia Committee or another committee.

(To Debby)
As for the memberships, Debby Lieberman is is tracking the memberships she's received since June and will be sending Kacie Weldy the information to enter into our membership database very soon.

(To Mark)
How much member(ship) due?
Mark: Membership types and dues listed below:

Membership Type: (Check One)
ACTIVE (deaf-blind & permanent USA resident)
___ 1 year - $15.00
___ 2 years – $25.00
___ 3 years - $30.00

ASSOCIATE (non-deaf-blind supporter & USA resident)
___ 1 year - $15.00
___ 2 years – $25.00
___ 3 years - $30.00

___ 1 year - $30.00
___ 2 years – $50.00
___ 3 years - $60.00

___ 1 year - $75.00
___ 2 years – $125.00
___ 3 years - $150.00

___ 1 year - $125.00
___ 2 years – $200.00
___ 3 years - $300.00

Rene to FRC:
Fund Raising – Is there a goal set to how much we will raise? This was sent to the FRC chair with no response.

AADB Reports for the month of October:

FRC-Fundraising Committee:
Nothing was submitted from the FRC chair.

From Jill, President:
A Donor Letter was typed up by Elizabeth Spiers and Mark Gasaway, it was turned over to the FRC and changes were made to the donor letter. It is now within the board for final approval and Kacie Weldy who is working with the database will be launching a campaign via email and snail mail to get the donor letter out.

FC-Finance Committee:
Mike Reese, chair

The FC has worked on mainly the draft 2012 budget, which will be completed in mid November and a letter was drafted to send out to a couple of potential candidates to join our committee. By December, we hopefully will have a new member (at least) on our committee. As for the committee's mission and goals, they have been discussed, and a draft is being written up, which will be completed in mid November as well. As the Treasurer, I also put together a spreadsheet of the banks' statement info for August and September for the FC to review along with the draft of the 2012 budget, which is now being revised (as mentioned earlier.)

5YSPC-5-Year Strategic Planning Committee Report:
Karyn Campbell and Mark Gasaway, co-chairs

Over this past month, we have been discussing a proposal for a main goal for AADB. This goal can be used to direct the activities of a number of committees including fundraising.

This proposal was put together by several members of the committee, discussed among the committee and is being submitted to the board for their consideration. The results of any board action should be known by the next report.

Law Committee
Maricar Marquez, chair

The Law Committee consists of myself as a chair along with Kacie Weldy and Chris Woodfill. The Law Committee has formed a new sub-committee, “Internal Procedure Committee” chaired by Debby Lieberman. The sub-committee will handle AADB policy and procedure manual.

The Law Committee will review proposed bylaws changes that were addressed at the AADB national symposium. The members voted and passed to hold the proposed bylaws changes until the next symposium. It has not been determined when the next national symposium wll be held, therefore the Law Committee is making considerations to amend the proposed bylaws changes. You will be notified of future updates.

PC-Policy Committee:
Chris Woodfill, chair

The motion to restructure the policy/procedure and the advocacy committees has been voted on and passed by the board. Now, there is a policy committee which was merged with the advocacy committee. The procedure part has been relabeled internal procedure and placed under the law committee as a subcommittee. Technology and FCC are placed in the policy committee as subcommittees. The policy committee and the subcommittees are not fully up and running at this time. It is the intention of the chair of this committee to have it up and running during November.

MMC-Multi-Media Committee Report
Co-Chair: Scott Davert, NY
Co-Chair: Kacie Weldy, IN

Mission: To provide IT support with the membership database and the website. Also, to provide continuous updates, notifications, information, and resources to the members of AADB and all others who have an interest in being involved in the actions and various roles of AADB. These will be provided, but not limited to the following means of public relations, communications, and various media platforms: Email, Facebook, Twitter, AADB Blog, website, Newsletters, AADB Today, mailings, and any other means deemed necessary.

Sub committees
IT committee – This committee provides direct support for the website maintenance and interfacing with the membership database. Also provides support to the board and Executive Committee with the decision making processes regarding commitments and system interfaces for credit card transactions and online payments. This committee will also make use of volunteered outside consulting in regards to technological aspects of setting these processes up for optimal use of AADB resources.

Activities and tasks performed:
1. Board of Directors’ web page updated
2. Updated Publications web page with the 2009 and 2010 issues of AADB Today
3. Began set up of files for 2011 AADB Today issues to be linked on the Publications web page.
4. Continued set up of Committees web page
(Many changes have occurred with regard to committee chairs, so we have been waiting for the final word on who is on what committee).
5. Continued set up of various web pages for 2011 Symposium highlights.
6. Posted the Policies and Procedures Manual web page.
7. Posted updated version of Bylaws web page.
8. Began the process of updating Common grounds with donor and membership information since it was last updated in June.

Short term goal
Update the and Convio website information with current data.

Long term goal:
Timely updates to the AADB website and membership
databases and possibly changes to the website for more accessible formats.

PR committee – This committee is responsible for all mailings going out to the general membership, including but not limited to AADB Today, board election forms, conference information, proposed changes to policies and procedures, and all other information. The members of this committee will be responsible for compilation and creation of documents to be sent out in all means necessary to be accessible, in print or electronically. They will then be responsible for setting up the printing, and distribution of these documents either electronically, in braille, or in print. The focus of this committee is to be able to distribute the information in all possible accessible formats.

Co-Chair: Scott Davert
Co-Chair: Kacie Weldy

1. Compilation of various pieces of new information for the Nov. AADB Today.
2. Posting of AADB updates to Facebook, Twitter, and AADB blog.
3. Working on securing means to mail out to those without email access and in need of various formats.
4. Emails sent in an attempt to recruit members.

Short term goals:
1. Facilitate and establish an open line of communications between the Board and Executive committee and the general membership- both on-line members and those without.
     a. Set up a team of people to create an informative mailing to be distributed to the membership of the changes and happenings of AADB since the Symposium, the proposed bylaw changes, and the financial state of AADB.
     b. Distribute this mailing no later than December 1st. (Goal has been revised due to technical issues.)

Long term goals:
To provide accessible, timely, and routine distribution of information to the general membership.

1. Set up a team of people to create and/or compile articles to go out in each AADB Today.
2. Provide to the general membership timely and informative mailings of board elections and proceedings, FCC updates and technological updates affecting deaf-blind

NRC Networking and Recruitment Committee:
Mark Gasaway, chair

October 31, 2011
The NRCommittee is looking into getting membership drives going and a new membership form is ready to go out.

In addition, we are going to see how AADB can become more visible among other organizations and agencies, as part of networking.

SSP Committee Report October 2010
Elizabeth Spiers, chair

During October, the SSP committee developed a short survey which will be sent to SSP programs around the country. The survey includes questions on what type of training is provided, what's involved in the training, who provides the training, how many SSPs are trained, how SSPs can continue their training afterwards (e.g, from mentor SSPs), and how the training is funded. This survey will go out to SSP programs in November. Also, the committee is responsible for providing SSP and interpreter support to the AADB board members for board meetings. Marilyn Fernandez-Trader is responsible for this project.

OF-Office Committee Report:
Jill is working with the Landlord about advertising the office space and the advertising has started, we will advertise with Craig’s list, FB, Twitters, Blogs, local newspapers, local business. If anyone can think of any other way to advertise please do not hesitate to contact me.

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